Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Monday Night Dinner

This is a little late, but oh well.
I wasn't up for cooking last night. The kids ate Annie's MacN cheese and broccoli. Mark and I had leftover Pumpkin Soup and cheesey cornbread--YUM! (if you are interested in the soup recipe, let me know and Ill post it)

I caught Vara eating like this..I think she was tired but she looks really bored.


Billie said...

We are having MacN Cheese tonight. It is yummy. I found a fun recipe from Rachel Rae. Your dinner looks great.

abbey said...

That all looks really good Ginger...pretty good for "not up for cooking" :)

Kate Van said...

Looks good to me- although clay wouldn't be too interested in the soup. Classic attitude towards broccoli Vara!