Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mark's parents began a new annual tradition of renting a cabin at Seashore. We got to stay there last week. We are so thankful for "Nana" and "Papa". They are so generous to us and very fun for our kiddies. We love you both!

We had tons of adventures on the trails, at the beach, and pretty much stayed outside a lot. The kids got so worn out every day. We rode bikes everywhere we wanted to go. I was inspired to buy a beach cruiser because it was so fun riding to the beach or the grocery store. (Ill probably post my proud wheels soon)
Also, Marks brother came for a visit, the kids loved seeing him. Whenever he comes, I realize how much I miss him..he's very funny.

Since Beck and I didnt sleep at the cabin, we got lots of alone time in the mornings. It was SO GREAT to have a quiet house with just my baby. He turned seven weeks yesterday and is weighing in at over 13 pounds!! Here's a few shots of his adorable smile..

One morning he had a bath was too beautiful to stay in. Here are the kids helping.

Reid is really into bows and arrows he is protecting Vara.

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